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Workshop “Classroom Management? Piece of cake!”


Are you in charge of a school or educational establishment and would like your students or colleagues to learn a few helpful tips which would enable to manage a class more easily? Then this workshop is what you are looking for.


Are you a teacher or student teacher and you feel like you keep repeating the same thing day in and day out?  Do you often feel like you have to drag your students through the learning process?

Is your classroom chaotic from start to finish?

Do you have the impression you are running willy-nilly and never have enough time?

Are the students often rowdy when they come back from break?

Do you often have to waste time reminding the students of the rules?

Does your mind go blank when a student asks you an unexpected question?

Do you feel overwhelmed when something unexpected happens (tardiness, a child cries, insults, rowdiness, interruptions)?

DO you often lose your voice at the end of the day because it doesn’t carry enough?

Is your voice monotonous, your look closed and you can’t seem to captivate your audience?

Do you feel like you haven’t got any authority in the classroom?

When faced with a group do you tremble and fidget?

Do you have trouble sleeping because facing your students is such a worry?


If you’ve mostly answered ‘yes’ to these questions then this workshop can really help. 


Our teaching experience in primary school (Isabelle Deprez) and in secondary school (Benedicte Monnoye) will enable us to bring you practical solutions to common classroom situations.


Click here for more information

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