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Benedicte Monnoye, born in 1974 in Belgium has a B.A. in History from the Facultés St Louis in Brussels and an M.A. in Theatre Studies from the University of Louvain (UCL-CET).  A few years later she obtains a teaching degree in the performing arts.  During her studies she also  develops her musical skills and body language.  To that end she studies mime in Paris from the mimes Pinok and Matho.

She enjoys exploring and helping others discover their unique potential and enabling them to surpass their corporal boundaries.  With this as a leitmotif she has given numerous training sessions about communication, body language and voice and text.  Her target audience is diversen ranging from children to adults, future teachers and people with a disability.

 In 2005 she writes a monologue entitled Transports and together with Felicianne Ledoyen creates the epononymous play. Today, what is motivates her the most is the artistic encounter between people of different worlds who would generally not have the opportunity to meet each other let alone create, imagine, experience something together.  In this encounter, differences no longer exist as such encounters enable the participants to overcome the barriers implicitely set by society.

 The manuscript entitled Chemins d’Exils is the fruit of years of encounters and thought.  The need to wite this text came to her in 2015 with the massive influx of refugees and the fear that this influx was met with.  Since the dawn of time there have been recurrent exiles which have been met with fear.  Both a fear because the strangers are unknown to us and thus strange, but also a fear of losing our own identity.










La croisée des chemins

Initially a simple workshop management activity for Productions Associées Asbl, this slowly became a multifaceted artistic and cultural dialogue.

 Today, the time has come to open this place of exchange and experimentation between all of our potentials whatever our artistic disciplines, nationalities or our number of chromosomes.  The only goal is a creative explosion.



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